Live Videos

How can Live Videos help you?

Live video has the ability to engage viewers like nothing else. Stream events live and invite your viewers to engage using comments and questions.

Live videos offer real-time engagement with your audience. You can stream events live and invite viewers to participate through comments and questions, creating an interactive experience.

Common Challenges in Creating Live Videos

Technical Difficulties

Challenge: Managing technical difficulties during live streaming, such as connectivity issues, equipment failures, and software glitches.


  • Pre-Event Testing: Conduct thorough testing of all equipment, software, and internet connections before going live.
  • Backup Equipment: Have backup equipment on hand, including cameras, microphones, and internet connections.
  • Technical Support: Ensure technical support is available throughout the live stream to address any issues that arise promptly.

Engaging the Audience

Challenge: Keeping the audience engaged throughout the live broadcast, especially when competing with numerous distractions.


  • Interactive Elements: Incorporate interactive elements such as Q&A sessions, polls, and live chats to engage viewers.
  • Dynamic Content: Use a mix of content types, including interviews, demonstrations, and behind-the-scenes footage, to maintain interest.
  • Professional Host: Employ a professional host or moderator to keep the conversation flowing and the audience engaged.

Managing Live Interactions

Challenge: Effectively managing live interactions, including moderating comments and handling unexpected questions or disruptions.


  • Moderation Team: Assign a team to monitor and moderate live comments and interactions.
  • Clear Guidelines: Establish clear guidelines for live interactions and communicate them to the audience beforehand.
  • Prepared Responses: Prepare responses for common or anticipated questions and scenarios to handle them smoothly.

Ensuring High Production Quality

Challenge: Maintaining high production quality during a live broadcast, including audio and visual clarity.


  • Professional Equipment: Use high-quality cameras, microphones, and lighting equipment to ensure professional-grade production.
  • Experienced Crew: Hire experienced live production crew members who can manage the technical aspects and ensure smooth operation.
  • Environmental Control: Choose a controlled environment for the live stream to minimize background noise and distractions.

Timing and Pacing

Challenge: Managing the timing and pacing of the live video to keep it engaging and on schedule.


  • Run of Show: Develop a detailed run of show that outlines the timing and flow of the live stream.
  • Time Management: Use timers and cues to keep segments on schedule and avoid overruns.
  • Rehearsals: Conduct rehearsals to ensure everyone is familiar with the timing and flow.

Promoting the Live Event

Challenge: Effectively promoting the live event to ensure a large and engaged audience.


  • Multi-Channel Promotion: Promote the live event across multiple channels, including social media, email newsletters, and your website.
  • Teasers and Trailers: Create and share teasers or trailers to generate interest and excitement.
  • Reminders: Send reminders to your audience leading up to the live event to increase attendance.

Measuring Success

Challenge: Measuring the success and impact of the live video, including viewer engagement and conversion rates.


  • Analytics Tools: Use live streaming analytics tools to track viewer engagement, comments, and other key metrics.
  • Post-Event Survey: Conduct a post-event survey to gather feedback from viewers.
  • Conversion Tracking: Implement conversion tracking to see how the live video impacts key business goals, such as lead generation or sales.

LGW Mediaworks can help you make great video!

If you’re facing any of these challenges or need assistance with creating high-quality live videos, our team at LGW Mediaworks is here to help. Contact us today to discuss your project and see how we can help you deliver engaging and professional live broadcasts.

LGW Mediaworks Produces Professional Live Videos

Want to talk about your project?

Set up some time to talk with one of our professionals. We pride ourselves in our ability to work with a wide range of budgets and timelines.

We are here to help

Have a specific production need? Check our video production services page to see if we can help you. If you don't see exactly what you are looking for don't hesitate to ask. Our team offers services from storyboarding to 3D rendering.

We have worked with a wide range of companies. You can find examples of our work in our portfolio.

See what some of our customers have said about working with LGW Mediaworks.

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Interested in Live Videos? Or do you have something else in mind?

Drop us a line today for a free quote or help with a question.

Let's talk about your project.

We are ready when you are! Even if you are just getting your ideas together, take the time to reach out with any questions about your project.